
Hey guys! This week I did a quick intro to lube. This included lube safety tips and what to avoid if you’re wanting to take care of your body over on YouTube, the video is above. But I wanted to provide a more in depth explanation as to the chemicals I talk about below! 
With so many options, it it can become daunting and get confusing quick and not all lubes are created equal or of the best quality, so while you may want to save a few bucks for the cheapest bottle out there, it’s not too surprising that a lot of cheap lubes can smooth the way for sex, but also for disease irritation and infection. So check your bottles and make sure you’re treating your private parts and partners right!  

1. Petroleum or petroleum-based ingredients. These can coat your skin and interfere with its normal functions and permeability. They may also contain impurities with possible links to various health conditions, including cancer. Petroleum-based ingredients can be found in many common multipurpose lubricants, such as petroleum jelly.

2. Parabens. These synthetic preservatives, which can mimic the effects of estrogen in your tissues, may have links to higher risk of breast cancer.

3. Phenoxyethanol. According to the EWG, this chemical is moderately hazardous, with possible links to skin irritation and toxicity. High concentrations have been associated with reproductive damage, depressed immunity, and reduced nervous system function in newborns.

4. Propylene glycol. This potentially toxic ingredient may cause some women to experience tissue irritation. Propylene glycol is found in some frequently used over-the-counter lubricants–as well as some types of antifreeze.

5. Glycerin. A form of sugar, glycerine may increase incidence of candida, which can result in vaginal yeast infections in women susceptible to them.

6. Chlorhexidine. Commonly found in some multipurpose lubricants, this ingredient can trigger irritation and toxic effects for some women.

7.  Nonoxynol-9.  Even if it doesn’t lead to an actual infection, the chemical might cause some uncomfortable inflammation and irritation, Abdur-Rahman says. And if you’re sensitive to this chemical, FYI, many condoms come prepared with a spermicidal lube, so you’ll want to double-check those, too.

8. Benzyl Alcohol, and citric acids. Many people have had bad experiences with lubes that burn or itch, or feel really sticky during or after use, and that’s because of preservative ingredients like these,“ says Strgar. "Natural products don’t have those side effects.

9. Benzocaine. Benzocaine is an irritant that numbs you and can be found in lubes targeted for painful sex or for making anal play less scary,”  says Dangerous Lilly, a sex toy critic. This is just a bad idea, because pain is your body’s way of saying HEY STOP. If you keep going you can end up with injuries, microtears to the delicate tissue, and major problems.

10.  Phenoxyethanol. According to the EWG, this chemical is moderately hazardous, with possible links to skin irritation and toxicity. High concentrations have been associated with reproductive damage, depressed immunity, and reduced nervous system function in newborns.

11.  Chlorhexidine.  This substance, which is often an ingredient in multipurpose lubricants, can have toxic effects and cause irritation. It is primarily an antibacterial agent in antiseptics. It is not to be ingested, although one form is found as a dental antiseptic for adults. It is also used in veterinary clinics to treat wounds as an antiseptic.

12. Polyquaternium. Found by the world health organization to significantly enhanced HIV-1 replication in vitro compared with other lubricants in the study.

So there’s just a basic list of contents to avoid in your lube. Be smart about what you buy, and read the label. Sometimes it’s cheap in price BECAUSE it’s a cheap lube! Be smart, play safe! <3

And just for good measure, I used these sources as references:


Pup Amp is a blogger, sex worker, activist and producer for "Watts The Safeword." With his background as a sex educator and sex worker, he along with guests of all abilities, backgrounds, experiences and kinky lifestyles, destigmatize topics on sex and other LGBTQ+ issues. He shoots, edits and manages the YouTube vids from week to week.

